
Joseph Stalin 's Influence On Life

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Joseph Stalin was in control for over twenty years and during that time he not only tried to conquer Nazism, but he also tried to update Russia. He definitely represented the word terror whenever he was in power as well. Whenever he learned what it felt like to rule, he loved it. Joseph Stalin was born on December 18th, 1879, in Gori, Georgia. He was the son of a cobbler and a washerwomen. Joseph was a very weak child. He has scars on his face from smallpox whenever he was only seven. He was in a carriage accident a couple years after that that left his left arm a little disfigured. He could have gotten his injury from blood poisoning. The children around him treated him awful because of he was seen as nothing but weak. This led Joseph to want to be respected more and he wanted to be better overall. This also led him to be awful to anyone that was mean to him. Another reason he could have wanted power so bad is that he grew up with his father abusing his mother and himself. Stalin saw how much respect his father got from doing awful things to get it, therefore he grew up thinking that if he was mean to people he would get respect. The children seeing him as nothing but weak did not help that either. His mother wished for him to become a priest and did end up putting him in church school in 1888. Joseph performed well in school and got a scholarship to Tiflis Theological Seminary in 1894. Even though he did really well in school, he left in 1899.

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