
Joseph Stalin Villain

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“Ideas are powerful then guns, we wouldn’t let our enemies have guns, why would we let them have ideas” –Joseph Stalin. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Soviet revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He also governed the Soviet Union until his death in May 5, 1953. One person can be viewed as a powerful leader but someone is yet a powerful villain as Joseph Stalin.
Stalin was born on December 6 or December 18, 1878. Later, he invented one on his own which was December 21 on 1879. His real name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili .When he got older he adopted the name ‘Stalin’ which means man of steel in Russian. Stalin lived in small town called Gori, Georgia. Stalin grew up poor with his mother and father, Besarion Jughashvili and Ekaterina Geladze. He had 2 older siblings but soon they had died and he was left alone as an only child. His mother was laundress and was his father was a shoemaker and an alcoholic who abused his son and wife most of the times. Stalin was terrified by his own father. Later they had no money because his father’s business began to fail. Stalin’s father and mother soon got a divorce and they decided to escape the abusive relationship. Stalin and his mother moved into the house of a family friend, Father Christopher Charkviani he owned an Orthodox Church in Gori, Georgia. Stalin began to attend Gori Church School where he studied to become a priest. Stalin was only at a young age, when he had encountered a disease called small pox

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