
Judy Bacas Murals Essay

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An Inspiration Across Cultures

Public art conquers so much more than the simple task of making the street a little easier to look at. It involves those who created it, those who supplied the means to create it, and those whose lives it continues to impact. Wall paintings in particular take an important role in working for a greater good. Judith F. Baca, a Hispanic-American woman and artist- activist has contributed an unaccountable amount to the mural movement in Los Angeles. She has accomplished this by giving individuals the chance to create art and develop a sense of pride, she has taught younger generations a respect for their ethnic identity, and from the many walks of life that continue to view her …show more content…

The simple fact that Baca is a woman is extremely important when it comes to evaluating her impact on others. Being a woman and reaching out for social change the way that Judy Baca does takes much dedication and passion. Bell hooks writes about the commodification of women in the art world: “ undiscerning marketplace seeks to confine, limit, and even destroy our artistic freedom and practice.” (Hooks 1981, 17). While Baca comes from the historically challenged feminine perspective, she can reach the youth that she works with because of their disadvantaged perspective as well. They are more apt to listen and learn from her because she has already overcome the challenge of succeeding in as a Hispanic American woman in a patriarchal society.
Baca’s commitment led her to found the Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC) along with film maker Donna Dietch and artist Christina Schlesinger in Venice, California. SPARC has facilitated in the creation, preservation and documentation of public art in the Los Angeles area. In this way SPARC has been able to get the community involved in art and has given a voice to peoples of color. In addition, the center has organized symposia and exhibitions that draw attention to the multitude of cultures that make up the area as well as the entire country (Brown 1996, 28).
Baca began work on SPARC's first

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