
Karl Paulnack Research Paper

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As a musician myself, Karl Paulnack’s Welcome Address touched my heart. I may not be a music major, but I empathize with his beliefs on the importance of music. Like Paulnack, I have also experienced conflict between myself and the influence regarding my goals. Unlike Paulnack, the force discouraging me from pursuing my goals was not my family or society, but my own self. I’ve wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. Helping people is something I feel strongly about, and is something I want to do for the rest of my life. As college drew closer and closer, the doubts about my chosen major were beginning to set in. What if I didn’t have what it takes to be a good nurse? What if I wasn’t capable or smart enough? What if I didn’t have the right personality? Talking to other people about my future career was a fantastic way to deal with my doubts. To me, nothing feels better or is more reassuring than hearing “I can see you doing that” after …show more content…

For some people it means a change in routine. For others it means a change in diet or lifestyle. For me personally, it means a change in mindset. Any way you look at it, people who are looking to be happier want to change something. Bringing about change is not as easy as it sounds. Changing your mindset is particularly difficult. Happiness isn’t as simple as waking up one day and deciding you want to be happy. It takes diligence and work and a good support system. Surrounding yourself with positive people, which is sometimes hard to do, is a great way to change your mindset. With enough time and effort, I believe anything can be changed for the better. That applies to more than just personal happiness, too. The power of a group of people who come together to bring about change is a force to be reckoned with. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi and other revolutionary leaders wouldn’t have been to accomplish what they did without people supporting

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