
Karl Paulnack Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Paulnack Reaction This speech is Karl Paulnack’s welcoming address for incoming freshman students. He addresses that music isn’t apart of arts and entertainment rather music is an invisible force that helps us piece ourselves together. Paulnack believes that music is an essential part of life and goes to prove it by telling his experiences with it. He describes the first moment he truly understood music and the impact it has on people. Paulnack portrays the day after 9/11 after he struggles to find any meaning in being a pianist. After a long time of questioning himself he observes the city and notices something. He sees that in this time of grief and sadness people are singing. From this he learned that music is a form of expression, it allows people to express their feelings when they have no other words to describe them. Paulnack goes on to describe what he says was the most important concert of his life. He and a friend were playing a concert at a nursing home. During their performance, one man began to cry, it was at that time Paulnack knew the man was a veteran. After Paulnack and his friend finished the piece, they announced that the piece they were playing was Aaron Copland's Sonata, which was a work …show more content…

Music can be used to describe how we feel on the inside when we ourselves can’t seem to find the words. Music has the power to help us discover ourselves or remember something we may have lost. I think Paulnack is right when he states that music can bring people together. Many people like the same genres and styles and feel something when they listen to it. Music can be found all over the world and can be related to everything around us. Music has been a part of our culture since the beginning of history, it’s constantly evolving giving each generation their on form of expression. Just by appreciating music as an art from we can make connections to those who are different from

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