
Surprising Science: What Music Does To Our Brains By Belle Beth Cooper

Decent Essays

Reflection of Music Music is a reflection of the human soul that encompasses the direct emotion of the inner being. Music has existed from the beginning of time from the very creation of the universe, as the angles worshiped God. Throughout the centuries music has dramatically changed, exposing our nature of each generation time and time again. Truth is, you can expose the mindset of an individual based on the music he or she is currently listening to. The article “Surprising Science: What Music Does to Our Brains” by, Belle Beth Cooper makes eight points on how a person reacts when listening to music. Each person will react to music differently depending on their generation and perception at the given moment and has the ability to control …show more content…

The first point is definitely true, as mentioned above, I will listen to different music depending on my mood based on how it makes me feel. I believe this to be true for most people that we will all perceive a piece of music differently. The second point makes a good claim that moderate levels of music increases a person’s creativity, but this could also be tied into the first point as people perceive things differently. Personally, I enjoy listening to my music at a high level in my ear buds while painting, this allows all other distractions to be at a minimum and I can paint freely. Additionally, I agree with the third point to an extent. I have listened to almost every different genre of music at one time or another throughout my life, I have been known to listen to multiple genera’s in the same day. Trying to label a persons’ personality type with the music they listen to can be controversial and a bias opinion. Point four makes a great statement that listening to music can be dangerous while driving depending on a persons’ enthusiasm. I personally rock out to music while driving; singing on top of my lungs and using my steering wheel as a drum is typical for me while I drive alone. However, this has caused slight yet unnecessary swerving at times so I try to keep my excitement down to a reasonable level. I feel that point five is extremely important. There have been a multitude of studies done reflecting the impact that music training is beneficial to children. I never had the availability to learn a musical instrument as a child, where my sister who is fourteen years younger than me is currently learning the piano. I see a significant difference in our creativity and learning habits. I agree with what point six mentions that music has a strong connection to our brains, studies have proved that classical music improves the synapses in our brain which I suppose can improve our

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