
The Stranger, By Albert Camus

Decent Essays

In the novel “The Stranger” by Albert Camus the protagonist Meursault is a very detached character who does not view life like others. He is very emotionally indifferent from others and he shows this with the death of his mother and when spending time with his “lover” which he is not really sure if he loves her or not. He did not follow or accept the morals other civilians follow. He is typically viewed as an outsider. Every day he wakes up and unlike normal people, he does not have a boulder to push because he does not think life has a purpose. He does not have anything that gives his life meaning. I have many things in my life that makes my boulder a little easier to handle. Three things that bring meaning to my life are music, family, and …show more content…

Music has always described how I am feeling just with a melody and tune. When I am down and out, music picks me up better than anyone or anything else can. It helps me understand what I am feeling when I do not know. When all else fails, music alters my mood. Without music, my life would be a very dull and I would just pretty much go with the motions. Many of times I would not know how to explain my feelings without music. The world would be a very quiet place. Music is the fabric of my life and the definition of society in my eyes. It can be a way to deliver messages, a fine art or just pure entertainment. No matter what the purpose may be, music is a perfect art and would make life less complete without it. When listening, I can create any image I want. Music brings excitement to my life without even knowing. I can be in a room with nothing but it’s four walls and if I music, I can be my own party. I learned to appreciate music at a very young age. I am the youngest of my sister. We are eleven years about so it was always just me and my imagination. Mom always worked and my dad was not around. Music just became my best friend. It was my escape from my evil sisters. I like to think music taught me life most important lessons. Music just makes life easier to deal with if you ask me. If you want to escape for a day, just throw in some head phones and let the music take you wherever you

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