
Pop Culture: Music is a Positive Influence

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Pop Culture: Music is a Positive Influence Music has been known throughout time. It can help us through everything. There are so many solutions with music to help a person go through so many situations. Music can affect many people in many different ways. Without music some people would be lost and would have no motivation. Music can provide inspiration and insight through education. Music has influence on suicides, killings and shootings, and provocative actions. It can also influence good morals, respect, allowing differences, health, and much more. Music can come in many forms and categories and music is very good for the world.
Music is that one friend that will always be there and will never judge us. It changes and has a huge …show more content…

It can change the way we carry ourselves or even the way we dress. Songs had a powerful grip and effect on society. Music can give us information or state an opinion. (White)
Music can be good for the mind and soul. It can give us peace of mind and help a person to be able to concentrate. Some teachers play calming music during class to help students think. Music can be helped with our health. People use Music Therapy to help with many things. People use the therapy music such as the rain forest or low drum beats to help them go to sleep. Doctors use music to help cancer patients, children with ADD to help calm them down. Music is used to help overcome pain. (Scott, Elizabeth.)
People have been known to use music to listen to music to relive stress. People have been known to use music to help them keep their heart rate down while they are running or when they are mad. People has been known to use music to help their brains function like on “jeopardy” the use incising music to rush our brain and make us think. (Scott, Elizabeth.)
Some music also teaches young ones that it’s ok to be different. There are such songs today that teach us to accept being gay and people that are gay. Music tells us to accept people the way they are. We are growing up in a world that people hate against gays and gays had to hide what that where. Now these day gays can be free. There are songs that say it is ok to be gay. The song “same love” by Macklemore says

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