
Persuasive Essay : How Music Saved My Life?

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When people say "music saved my life," they are saying they found themselves once to be weak and eventually found strength through music. You can find yourself alone in the life you live but when you listen to music you realize you'll never be alone. I believe music gives people a sense of hope that they don't have to feel like they're the only one's going through things. Music can express more than words and it gives people a constant when their world seems to be chaotic. It's something some people need in their life and to be who they are and go on day by day.
I grew up listening to music everyday not knowing it would save my life in the end... the words that I would listen to would somehow connect with how I was feeling or what I was going through. Music truly soothes the soul and just somehow gives you hope to continue on or to stop something. I think I related my problems to the songs, it would give me comfort knowing I wasn't the only one who was feeling the way I once was. It showed me life was worth living and fighting for. Take Demi Lovato for instant, she was going through major depression and found herself through the music she would produce. A lot of artist are actually like this and only some really come out and tell their true story on how music saved them. It's incredible to know that no matter what you're going through someone, somewhere has gone through it too.
Music is worldwide and there is so many genres out today that no matter what type of music you listen to, there's something for everyone. Music can touch others that hands and words cannot. Sometimes when you are going through hard times it may be difficult to figure out how to say it. Just the simple act of listening to music can make you feel something you can't express. Someone once said "when words fail, music speaks" and that couldn't be truer. Music takes over when there's nothing else left to say. Knowing that alone, should be comforting to fall back on. I would listen to so many different types of music that there was no certain type that 'saved' me. It was just all of it combined. I never connected with people the way I connected with music. It seems to understand me more than anyone I've told anything to. That what made me

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