
Kennewick Man Study

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Did you know that the Natives took hold of ancient bones that probably weren’t even Native? Some people found a full skeleton a that’s about 10,000 years old at the bottom of the Columbia River. The Natives claimed that the old bones were their ancestor and took the bones to the buried. When the bones were found they were turned to scientists to study them. It was found out that were not of Native ancestors. In a 19 year battle the Native Americans won the battle and the bones were buried. We could’ve studied the bones to learn more about the place we live in. This issue is important because in the constitution it reads “...And without unnecessary delay.” but obviously it was delayed 19 years. Kennewick Man should not be repatriated because we don’t even know if the bones are Native and in section 10 of the Washington constitution it says “...Without unnecessary delay.” Also, we could learn more about washington through the bones. Kennewick man should be studied because the evidence shows the bones are not Native. According to the article “Kennewick Man” it reads “Many of the characteristics …show more content…

They are wrong because the bones could’ve moved and the skeleton didn’t match the Native’s features. In the article Kennewick Man it reads “We cannot know if this individual is anyone's ancestor.” (Chatters 2) Why should the Natives get bones that don’t even belong to them? Kennewick man should not be repatriated because we don’t even know if he is Native and the case was delayed, and we could learn much more about washington through Kennewick Man. There are many different pieces of evidence that supports that Kennewick Man is not Native. The constitution delayed the case a whole lot. Finally, the DNA was all intact so we could learn a lot about Washington. We should sign a petition to have Kennewick Man back in scientists hands! The possibilities are endless with our new ways of studying and

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