
Key Lessons to Consider in a Negotiation Essay

Decent Essays

Participating in the scenario about drug testing in the workplace provided some key lessons to consider in a negotiation. Those lessons have influenced the way I approach a negotiation and altered the how I look at conflict in the workplace.
It is important to understand that, while a negotiation framework is important, the structure of a framework can be flexible. In the exercise, a clear framework was constructed prior to the negotiation. Terry, the truck driver, had a positive drug test. He then entered into a meeting with his superior and a counselor in which they would discuss his future at the company. The rule was very clear: drivers must be tested for drugs. Initially, I viewed the rule the same as policy. There was little room …show more content…

If the framework were ridged, it would not allow the circumstance to come to light. The framework must be flexible enough to absorb new information or interests.
Another reason for a flexible negotiation framework is the consideration of fairness. Terry’s job was on the line; he had a lot to lose. The negotiation got emotionally charged and managers needed to decide whether the punishment fit the crime. I had difficultly feeling remorse for Terry because of the stigma associated with drug use. He didn’t use drugs but it was his word against science, and there was no way to win the argument. In looking back, I considered other circumstances, such as if Terry had gotten a DUI during a vacation, and came to the conclusion that, while there should be consequences for breaking a corporate rule, there should be further discussions whether there is just cause for such a harsh punishment. The meeting between the superior, Employee Assistance Program representative and Terry allowed for questions of justice to arise. Bringing additional details and personal considerations into the discussion made it much more difficult to come to a solution, but it ensured that the policy was appropriate for the situation.
The question of justice will also influence how I will deal with conflict in the workplace. When addressing a situation, I tend to look at it through the filter of rules. For example, what does the policy say about

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