
Keystone Pipeline Pros And Cons

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Fossil fuels are used in the everyday lives of humankind, depending and relying on its purpose more than necessary. People focus on the positive effects it brings to their daily lifestyles, and overlooking the negative it delivers. The Keystone XL Pipeline has caused a lot of controversy due to what it brings to the people and the environment, what effects it causes to the world, and why so many people talk about it.
To begin, the Keystone XL Pipeline, is a crude oil pipeline that has a 36 inch, diameter. It is owned by the Transcanada Corporation. Transcanada claims that it will fuel the everyday lives of Americans. They also claim that, the pipeline is to be safe, clean, etcetera. Overall beneficial to America taking fossil fuels …show more content…

According to CNN, the proposed pipeline, would span nearly 2,600 kilometers across 6 U.S. states. Transferring more than 800,000 barrels of carbon-heavy petroleum daily, from Canadian oil sands, through Nebraska, to refineries in the Gulf Coast. Moving forth with the pipeline project, it is said to cost $7 billion.
Furthermore, Canada will be affected greatly in more ways than one. As stated previously, the project will cost $7 billion. According to Global News, there is strong speculation, concerning Canada losing an abundant amount of money. This is simply because of the most likely possibility that, the United States may easily refine the bitumen, we as Canadians give, and sell it to Canada and all over the world. This being said, Canadians will also encounter job loses. Meaning, for the temporary amount of time, while the Keystone Pipeline is in development, and when we did not have pipelines to transport our natural resource, then Canada will continue to have job opportunities. Though, when the production is completed, Canada will no longer have use for those jobs. As well as, for the reasoning that everything will go directly to the US and then they will need to open up opportunities that will accompany the refining, transporting and much more of the fossil fuels that is now theirs. Nonetheless, the environment of Canada will receive the greatest effects due to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is said that over 4 million hectares of the Boreal forest is under threat to be cleared for tar access. Already, 15 spills have occurred, the one being in North Dakota in May 2011, and the latest occurring in South Dakota on November 16th this year, spilling an estimated 210,000 gallons of

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