
Kidney Stone Essay

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Project 3: Formation and Dissolution of Kidney Stones
Pooja Patel
Chemistry 2 Lab
August 3, 2015

Kidney Stone has been developing amongst individuals in the most recent 30 years and the purpose behind it is still obscure. A large number of individuals every year have issues with kidney stones, and there isn't a genuine cure to dissolving the kidney stone. Specialists can't do much other than instruct them to keep hydrated and give them torment relievers; if nothing works they need to do surgery. On the other hand, there are a considerable measure of theories in regards to home cures including kidney stones. Specialists need help to check whether some home cures will really cure it. Scientists …show more content…

We had cranberry juice, lemon juice, and vinegar.First picture is after mixing, lemon juice and calcium phosphate, lemon juice and calcium oxalate, cranberry juice calcium phosphate, prior to mixing, vinegar with calcium phosphate, water with calcium phosphate, and the detail of lemon juice prior to mixing trials 1 and 2.

Cranberry juice with calcium phosphate.

Lemon juice with calcium phosphate and oxalate after ten minutes.

These images are after the liquid and solid are separated in the centrifuge machine. (Lemon …show more content…

Individuals asserting that certain systems work and others don't. As per Brenda Barron, she composed that apple fruit juice vinegar couldn't cure kidney stone. Rather it could help keep the development of kidney stones. A considerable measure of articles additionally appear to demonstrate that drinking lemon with water could help too. Lemon is acidic and could help break down the stone. In the lab done we utilized white vinegar and perhaps if lemon was utilized the outcomes could be the same. It is intriguing to see individuals attempt and utilization numerous acidic beverages keeping in mind the end goal to help cure/avoid kidney stone. I would have wanted to attempt different strategies rather than

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