
Labor Relations In Labour Relations

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Labor Relations Labour relations refers to the relations between employee and employers. They are affected by certain factors, including the labor market, collective bargaining, labor organization, government policies, economy conditions, labor law and technological change. Since industrial relations are frequently associated with unions, it is important that in Canada, until the 1970s, a larger piece of unions and union individuals had a place with American-based specialty and mechanical unions. The incidences of the strike have raised a lot in North American labor relations. The latest one is Ontario college teacher’s strike which was the longest college strike in Ontario history. Developing a labor relation plan Labor relation plan is a study and practice of managing unionized employment situation and work relations to distinguish the objectives in labor relations wanted by work or administration, separately or together; to decide the methodology expected to achieve those objectives, and to build up the activities expected to do that system. An important professional association for Canada labor relations scholar’s and practitioners is the labor and employment relation association. All labor legislation weather it’s federal or provincial has certain features in common: • fair employment practices • wages and work hours • vacations and holidays • maternity benefits and sick leave • employee safety • job and income security • industrial relations regulations UNION

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