
Labor Unions Benefits

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The labor union efforts in the United States cultivated out of the requirement to safeguard the collective interest of the common workers (, 2009). In the industrial sectors, organized labor unions battled for improved wages, practical hours, and safer working conditions; these movements led to beneficial efforts to end child labor, give health benefits, and offer assistance to workers who were injured or retired (, 2009). Their origins lay in the developmental years of the U.S., when a free wage labor market emerged in the craft worker trades late in the colonial period. The earliest recorded strike occurred in 1768 in New York to protested a wage reduction, this lead to the formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen …show more content…

There are positive and negative aspects to labor unions, especially depending from what side you are on (Radcliffe, 2009). On the positive side, unions negotiate for better wages, safer working environments, increased minimal productivity for its workers, support limits on imports through quotas and tariffs, and push for firmer immigration rules (Radcliffe, 2009). On the negative side, unions can lower the hours that employers demanded of their employees due to higher wages, limits the growth in the labor supply, restrict non-union workers from depressing the wage rate, and create walkouts or strikes that shut down production (Radcliffe, 2009). All of these pros and cons can increase the prices of a business’s products, which in turn could result in those products being less likely to be purchased by consumers (Radcliffe, …show more content…

Some economics have contended that globalization is making labor unions ability to demand the level of compensation that their workers deserve harder because of the threat of outsourcing and the competition from foreign production (Nahmias, 2013). In some studies, it was found that globalization has considerably decreased the effects of labor union strength on labor share and employment rates (Nahmias, 2013). Also, while there is some indication that globalization is diminishing the ability of labor unions to mandate greater employment protection, there is some signs that unions are working persistently to protect their members from unemployment through legislative regulation (Nahmias, 2013). Even though globalization has changed the factors of production, caused a decline in labor's bargaining power, and weakened the unions; labor unions have not surrendered and continue to fight for their members (Nahmias,

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