
Latino Health Literacy and Acculturation

Decent Essays

Research Assessment: Latino Health Literacy and Acculturation
The primary focus of the study by Britigan et al (2009), entitled A Qualitative Study Examining Latino Functional Health Literacy Levels and Sources of Health Information, is designed to measure the degree to which selected Latino populations have access to and utilize available health information resources.
Null and Alternative Hypothesis:
The null hypothesis is that the lack of health literacy and utilization of available health education and information resources by Latino groups is not due to ethnic disparity. An alternative hypothesis is that this lack of health literacy and utilization of available health and information resources amongst Latinos is due to a geographical isolation.
Independent and Dependent Variables:
In the qualitative study authored by Britigan et al, the independent variable is the ethnicity of the subject with a specific focus on a Latino sample population. The dependent variable in the study was the acculturation of interview subjects. Subordinate dependent variables included the health information sources used by Latinos in southwest
Ohio, individual Latino residents' functional health literacy levels and any access barriers to those sources of health information.
Testing Data:
Instruments used to measure interview responses included a pre-existent Likert-scale interview comprised of 12 items called the Bidimensional Acculturation Scale for Hispanics (BAS) and

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