
Leadership Reflection On Leadership And Leadership

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Leadership Reflection
Vincent E. M. Panuccio
COM 610 Leadership
Due: Dec 13, 2014

I’ve learned that there is no one leader in any team. There are many different things that someone can do within a team to be a leader and show their leadership skills. To me leadership is when someone in a team passes along knowledge or skills to someone else in the team. This knowledge or skill passed along must be beneficial and must be new knowledge and a new experience for the person being led. Anyone can be a leader if given the right resources. This belief has really shown me that it is a lot easier to be a leader than I had once thought. You don’t have to be the one in charge or the one with the most power to be a leader. There is usually more than one leader in every team. It is easier to have people who are different in a team because it makes it easier for everyone to showcase their skills and show their leadership. My thought process about leadership now, is fairly different than what I had thought at the beginning of this semester. I still do believe in some of my original beliefs, but I now understand more what it is to show leadership and actually be a leader. At the beginning of the semester we answered the question, “What is leadership?” I wrote, “Being able to have others follow you in a respectable way. Guiding other to help them achieve a goal(s).” Some qualities I wrote down about a leadership were: equality, and being able to follow

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