
Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

Decent Essays

My mind begins to think crazy. Heart beats fast as if I was running. I started to wonder is this really what life is about ? Will people stand up for what's right? When I read Martin Luther Kings, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” , I started to realize you have to stand up for what you believe is right. King was standing up for what's right and for justice and was put in jail for it. He stated that “ I came across your recent statement calling my present activity “unwise and untimely”,” (King, 2017, p. 411). King (2017) responded “Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas” (p. 411). The clergymen did not feel that King was supposed to be in this town saying that “ However, we are now confronted by a series of demonstrations by some of our Negro citizens, directed and led in part by outsiders” (Alabama, 1963). King was a clergyman himself, he didn’t think that he was wrong and he felt like it need to be done. King stated he was in Birmingham because “ injustice was here” (King, 2017, p. 412). Many people don’t believe that justice should be served. Totally opposite to Martin Luther King’s Jr. leadership, President Trump is not a leader of equality nor non - violence. Leadership …show more content…

With the president we have now equality is the last thing on his mind. President Trump says he’s making things fair but it hurting others around. He cutting things that most people use to make a living. President Trump “ rolls back hard-fought victories for women in the workplace” ( O’ Hara, 2017). He also fired many workers that work for him because they don’t support some of his ideas. “Some members of the Trump White House have left or been forced out because they disagree on policy” ( Beckwith , 2018). President Trump wants everyone to support him and think that what he is doing is right. He states

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