
Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

Decent Essays

In order to achieve true freedom society must find a peaceful solution. In the articles “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and “Speech at the March on Washington” by Josephine Bake. The overall message argues bout equality and the disadvantages of the black community. In order to achieve true freedom society must find a peaceful solution. To begin with, one must use non-violent means to find a peaceful solution in order to achieve true freedom and defend their civil rights. According to “Letter from Birmingham Jail” King expressed that “my friend and I must say to you that we have not made a civil right without determined legal non-violent pressure.” This shows how King wants to secure civil rights with using non-violence methods. Furthermore, King also stated, “to deny citizens the first amendment privilege of peace assembly and protest.” This reveals that when King protested he protested to secure his civil rights by using nonviolent methods. …show more content…

We must use the power of education to protect ourselves non-violently. According “Speech at the March on Washington” Baker states “you must get an education and go to school.” This reveals Baker is telling us to go to school and get an education to know our civil rights and what to protect. Baker also says in lines 70-71 “you must learn to protect yourself with then pen not the gun.” This demonstrates that Baker wants us to protect ourselves non-violently. Given these point Baker made it clear to us that instead of using violence we must go to school and get an education to protect

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