
Letter from Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis- Martin Luth Essay

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Gurpreet Singh 10-01-10
Mr. Baldwin E5X-02 Martin Luther King, Jr. Analytical Essay

Violence, force, bribery. These are just the few of the many ways figures all throughout

history have come to implement their ideas among others. Whether it be through force or logic,

there needs to be some form for persuasion to pass of your claim. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,

promoter of social justice, utilized rhetorical strategies to persuade his opponents of his claims.

When Dr. King received a letter from eight Alabama clergy men, attacking his works for civil

rights, he wrote back to them employing the rhetorical strategies of pathos, …show more content…

He says, We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal." It was "illegal" to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler's Germany.” Dr. King also says, “In our own nation, the Boston Tea Party represented a massive act of civil disobedience. (¶ 21-22)

Dr. King’s sarcasm made his point a whole lot more sensible. He controls the language, saying

that the white community says his actions for the requirement of civil rights are not as justifiable

and moral as the independence of the thirteen colonies or the suppression of the Nazi anti-

Semitism. Dr. King knowingly chooses these two events because they appeal to the ethical

aspects of his arguments. Anti-Semitism is highly immoral and even though it was legal, should

it be kept? And even though it was considered civil disobedience to trash and attack British trade

ships, was it wrong for the colonists to demand freedom? Dr. King changes the audience’s

perspective towards the black community and his goal of achieving civil rights equality quite

effectively using ethos.

Through his vast knowledge and expertise of logos, Dr. King displays his mastery of the


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