
Lifespan Development Observation Paper

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For Life-Span Development class, on February 13, 2017, the class had the opportunity to observer the physical, cognitive and social development. In this observation the class Riley, a five month old, female toddler. As a class at the Dordt College, gave the class the opportunity to live observe in the child with the infant’s parent consent. Riley’s mother, Robin, had a relatively normal pregnancy. Robin and Erin had been trying to get pregnant for a while so they used a fertility clinic. These two parents finally became pregnant and carried the infant the full nine months. The beginning stages of pregnancy most women change their diet to ensure their child does not have any issues. The mother, Robin, did change her diet slightly …show more content…

Since taking her home both Erin and Robin have been able to see her temperament grow along with her personality. Riley is a very steady and calm child. There are two types of physical development. There is brain development and physical development. The most prominent development seen to those outside of the family is the physical. Most parents see different physical reflexes in infants such as blinking, sucking, stepping, and grasping. Though some of them are just disappearing the only one that actually stay with the individual is blinking (Santrock, 2014). Riley is a five month old and at five months old most of the reflexes have …show more content…

Like most children, they become attached to person they see the most. Riley is most awake when Erin is around there for her bound with her father, however a bond with her mother is just as strong. If she had been given a choice between her grandparents and her parents she would choose her parents. This is only natural for an infant to gravitate toward their parents. This does not me Riley does not like the person, it just means she gravitates toward the people she is more comfortable with. Riley is growing into a healthy young lady. She happens to be right in the perfect rate of growing like child her age should be. This young lady is at twenty pounds and at a length of twenty three inches. Her weight is in the ninety third percentile and her length is in the seventy second percentile. Riley is producing the right reflexes at the proper age. By the age of four to six months most of the reflexes infants have are gone (Santrock, 2014). In Life-Span Development the class had the ability to observe the infant, Riley, and her parents, Erin and Robin. The class had the ability to discover to talk to real parents and ask the questions that most students are too shy to ask. The class was also able to observe how Riley acted in front of forty people. This experienced allowed people to understand the true development of infant whether it be cognitive, physical or social

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