
Linear Regression ( LR ) Equation In Excel

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Introduction The general intention of this Module Two Case Assignment is to generate a Linear Regression (LR) equation in Excel. We will be formulating this equation by exploiting data gathered by our client, the New Star Grocery Company, this organization relies that their consumer influx correlates with their monthly sales. Thus, we will commence this assignment by deliberating upon the means, in which we developed this equation.
Henceforth, in developing this equation, we gathered the data provided by our clients with respect to the monthly sales and the amount of consumers that shopped at New Star Grocery for year one. We next capitalized on the benefits of technology by harnessing the capabilities of YouTube. Subsequently, we discovered a video broadcasted by Tom Kleen, which the author of the video coached us on the methods behind the exploitation of Excel 2013. As a means, to produce our Linear Regression (LR) equation for this exercise (Kleen, 2013).
Therefore, the first step we took was to highlight our data that would be captured onto the X and Y axis. This data being the total number of consumers that purchased products from the New Star Grocery Company on a monthly basis for year one, which was annotated onto the X axis. Next, we captured the Y axis data which was the monthly sales totals. Important to note here that at this stage it is where our LR equation launches into formulation. Thus, we now recognize our sales will either decrease or increase determined by the quantity of consumers (Nguyen, 2017).
Upon, identifying the aforementioned data we proceeded onto creating our chart. We then moved onto to literally type our chart title and axis titles for this particular chart. Subsequently, we advanced forward and inserted the trend line, in addition, to discovering the manner. In which, we could access and display our equation (Kleen, 2013). Therefore, the following equation was disclosed as an integral component of this process, this modus operandi was displayed as y=0.648x+111.65. Consequent to, us completing the previously mentioned steps. We proceeded to search for methods via utilization of YouTube with regards to forecasting sales for year two. Immediately, we

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