
Logan Van Wyk: Causes Of Conflict In Syria

Decent Essays

Logan Van Wyk
Period 1
Causes of Conflict in Syria
When Hafez al-Assad passed away from a heart attack, hope for Syria arose with promises of reform. On June 10th, 2000, Hafez passed away leaving his son Bashar al-Assad with the power over Syria. Bashar attempted to gain support over his people with promises of reform throughout Syria, including a revolutionized economy. People soon began to protest because Bashar had not been following through with his promises. These protests arose and Bashar chose to fight his people rather than meet their demands. Conflict has risen in Syria because of poor political and geographical systems whether this be through the way Assad governs, or through the destruction of Syria.
Bashar al-Assad has been using political power to maintain control over his people. When Assad ran for office on his third-term, he won with 88% of the votes only because the election ran through government controlled areas. In the timeframe that Bashar has been president, over 4 million people have fled Syria to …show more content…

"I shall try my very best to lead our country towards a future that fulfills the hopes and legitimate ambitions of our people," (Bashar al-Assad). By doing so, the Syrian president has evoked more violence than good. In Aleppo, (a major city of Syria) the terrain has quite literally been reduced to rubble as result from the civil war. Taking over this city was the last major hope for the rebels, but overtime the regime has taken over. Barrel bombs have been dropped throughout Syria resulting in great devastation. It has been estimated that over 6,000 barrel bombs have been dropped throughout the war, with their use escalating. Aleppo is just one out of the many cities that Bashar has been waging a war in. Even through Assad has been promising geographic reform, it has been shown that he has brought his people the opposite with the collapse

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