
Lorraine Hansberry 's A Raisin Of The Sun

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“A Raisin in the Sun” is about the Younger Family who live in a small apartment in Chicago. The family is torn apart as every member has different dreams and goals, yet Mama and her daughter-in-law Ruth desperately attempt to hold the family all together. In both the movie and the play, the family’s dreams remain the same. Mama wants her family to get along and she wants to purchase a house. Her son, Walter, wants the life insurance money from his father to invest in a liquor store to achieve his goal of becoming a businessman. These dreams remain the same, but in the movie, certain scenes are added in order to give Walter a motive for his desire, other than pure greed. The additional scenes make it less obvious that his friend Willy is going to scam them. The movie visually displays the apartment in a better light than the play describes but still had the characters talk about the roaches and cracked walls. In “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, the differences in script between the original play and the movie increase the family’s desperation to get out of their apartment, and add to the complexity of Walter’s motivation, all which make the movie more powerful overall. In both the movie and the play of “A Raisin in the Sun,” money is very important to every member of the family, but not as significant to Travis. Many of their dreams require money: Walter wants to invest in the liquor store, Mama dreams of a house for her family, and Beneatha wants to be a doctor.

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