
Loss Of Innocence In Laurie Halse Anderson's 'The Joy Luck Club'

Decent Essays

“In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” – Stand By Me. Innocence can be found at any age or any point in one’s life. It means chastity, freedom from wrong, lack of knowledge, SIMPLICITY. When one has innocence the world seems easy without any worries, however that can all change when one loses their innocence. The loss of innocence can feel as though one has fallen into a black hole and can never escape, darkness, voicelessness, LONELINESS. In Amy Tan’s “The Joy Luck Club”, Nadine Gordimer’s “Once Upon a Time”, and Laurie Halse Anderson’s “Speak”, the authors use main and supporting characters to show a loss of innocence at a young age. In “The Joy Luck Club” loss of innocence is expressed through the old woman from the fourth parable, “Queen Mother of the Western Skies”. In “Once Upon a Time” loss of innocence is expressed through the young boy. In “Speak” loss of innocence is expressed though Melinda. Although all three of these characters go through the same struggle of loss of innocence, Anderson’s character Melinda is able to come to terms with her loss and regain her strength. In these three stories, Tan, Gordimer, and Anderson use the theme of loss of innocence to portray loneliness, fear, and barriers to show how one can learn from past experiences.

In the fourth parable “Queen Mother of the Western Skies”, Tan uses the old woman to show her loss of innocence through flashbacks to her youth. As she plays with her granddaughter, the old woman wonders what she will teach the child. She sees the baby laughing and the old woman recalls that she too was “once free and innocent”, laughing for pure enjoyment (213). However, as time went on she “threw away” her “foolish innocence” to protect herself (213). As a result, when she had a daughter, she taught her daughter to do the same and “shed her innocence” (213). The old woman wonders if telling her daughter to do so was wrong, for now she can recognize the evil in the world. She calls the baby as if she is a high and mighty spirit named “Syi Wang Mu”, Queen Mother of the Western Skies and asks her to answer her question. Continuing to call her granddaughter the Queen,

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