
Low Fat Lies High Fat Frauds Chapter Summaries

Decent Essays

Professor Wolfe
Health 109-000 Book Review
August 10, 2015
Low-Fat Lies High-Fat Frauds and the Healthiest Diet in the World
Through a substantial amount of research the authors prove that by following a fad diet it can cause many adverse effects, as well as shedding light on benefits of exercise and maintaining a balanced diet. In the opening chapters of the book it is discussed why low fat diets do not work and exactly which diets do. While reading about low fat diets and the health risks that they cause, the book draws you in by explaining the patient profile of a 55 year old man, whom had lost his life due to heart attack. By reading this section of the book its outline how we are all responsible for maintaining our own health, and cases …show more content…

Many Americans are looking for a quick and easy fix to their weight problems which in turn can cause an even greater problem in the future. More often than not if diets don’t work it’s because they are misled in believing that they will lose weight with little to no effort.
The many truths behind “Low Fat Lies” had me looking at every miracle diet and their claims that were not based in fact. After reading this book I began to wonder if other people have had the same failures, and what contributed to these failures. Low-fat lies gave consistent information on fats and nutrients that are important to becoming healthy, as well as a give the reader a chance to get a second opinion.
When reading about some of the diet I was familiar with, I began speaking to my 50 year old aunt, whom revealed that she had struggle with dieting most of her adult life. After making a complete list of the diets she has tried, some common factors were present. In every diet there are many risk factors that could possibly occur, such as relapse. In the quote “Eat less fat and you will be less fat” is the main reason the diets that most people try don’t work because most nutritional value is lost this book gives you the truth about myths and misconceptions that many diet

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