
Mackinnon Virtues

Decent Essays

We have learned about Virtue which focuses on individual traits while ethics is a more general approach to how people handle what’s right and what’s wrong. In the same unit we learned Mackinnon defined Virtue ethics as being focused on individual traits. On the other hand other theories take a general focus on how we decided what’s right and wrong.
Mackinnon defines virtues as having good traits while the term virtuous is defined as a morally good person. Most of the theories that we have studied thus far have a universal approach to ethics, and don’t account for individuality. For example Utilitarianism we learned to be defined as something is good when it does the most good for the most people. This theory is not one that accounts for the …show more content…

Which is opposite of Aristotle whom is an ancient Greek philosopher had many idea like any other philosopher. He is actually responsible for treatises that covered logic, physics, aesthetics and politics. (
Mackinnon notes that Aristotle was “one of the earliest writers to ground morality in nature, and specifically in human nature.” (Mackinnon Ethics Theory and Contemporary issues pg. 125). Aristotle was actually forced into exile due to his teachings and approach on many things. He eventually established his own school at the Lyceum. It was there he wrote and published many of his works over thirteen years.
Aristotle’s followers were called peripatetic while those who followed Kant were called Utilitarnistic’s. There biggest difference between these two philosophers can be identified with their approach to virtue and ethics. According to Mackinnon (pg. 125) Aristotle is “most well-known for his position that virtue is a mean between two extremes. “ Virtue being the good traits of an individual is does not line up with the universal approach that Kant takes. As previously mentioned Kant’s theory is doing what’s best for all, or what’s most right. In Kant’s approach there is no room for individual traits, you simply do what’s will be the best for …show more content…

Which differed from the view towards moral virtues which according to Aristotle are about doing the greater good and being a better person by learning from mistakes and doing what feels right naturally. (
Intellectual virtue is said to be or defined as excellence of mind and can be acquired by either inheritance or education. Philosophical wisdom and Practical wisdom are said to be two kinds of intellectual virtue. Philosophical Wisdom is understanding nature and reality while Practical Wisdom is knowing how to live life and achieve goals. There were some of the ideas and thoughts of Aristotle which in comparison to others
The idea of individual traits is one that should be considered especially taking into account personal relationships. Initially i thought character traits are important to me regarding personal relationships. After viewing one source and learning character traits are adjectives used to describe one’s personality I realized this was the wrong approach.

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