
Making A Certified Public Accountant Essay

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Today, many people, young or old, are trying to decide what they want to be in life. Everyone knows the order in which life is supposed to be done. First, get through elementary school, middle school, junior high and then graduate from high school. After high school, comes the decision of what college to attend. Once that decision is made, next comes what to study. It could be nursing school, business school, or any other school which is the toughest decision for some students. This report is based around accounting and what it has to offer. Accountants have many different jobs that they can do. Information to become a Certified Public Accountant will be given in this report.
The process through college to get a degree in accounting can be a little overwhelming due to the variety of jobs accounting has to offer. Accounting majors have many directions they can chose, such as working for a public or private accounting firm, focusing on auditing or taking that next step to become a Certified Public Accountant.

CPA stands for a Certified Public Accountant. Often times the abbreviation CPA is used more than saying Certified Public Accountant. People find it easier to say and in the business department, that is what people use. Some people may have heard the abbreviation CPA but are unsure of what CPAs do or what it takes to become one. Certified Public Accountants are one of the most admirable leaders in the business field.
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