
Marita's Bargain By Malcolm Gladwell Analysis

Decent Essays

Raising the quantity of time in class would highly improve a great mass of student success at Anaheim High School. Having a limited amount of time in classrooms makes it extra difficult for teachers to teach the material therefore students are not capable of learning it. Teachers have to plan a way on how to teach the curriculum in 45 minutes and make sure all students understood it. Consequently, only a partial amount can be used for questions and to have them answered. “ Marita’s Bargain “ by Malcolm Gladwell states that an extended amount of time in school inflates the possibilities of educational success. Gladwell concluded this avow after visiting KIPP Academy in New York. Marita is a prime example of a successful student at KIPP academy whom has given up most of her social life in order to achieve opportunities that she’d never be able to obtain on her own. KIPP’s classroom schedules goes based off 1 hour - 90 minutes for each subject …show more content…

Another way to improve student success in Anaheim schools is by exhibiting a student that having a magnification mindset is better than having a fine-tuned mindset. “ Raising smart kids” by Dweck Carol states that “students with such a “growth” mindset, we predict were destined for greater academic success and were quite likely to outperform their counterparts” (23). Students who actually care about their education find new obstacles to understand. “ For instance, talking about math geniuses who were more or less born that way puts in a fixed mindset, but descriptions of great mathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills engenders a growth mindset, our studies show” (25). So basically people aren't born with the smart abilities, in fact, they learn their way up. Inspiring people to have a “ growth mindset,” invigorates development rather than having an aptitude, this stimulates high achievers in school and in their

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