
Marketing Strategies Of The United Nations Children 's Fund ( Unicef ) And American Red Cross

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1.0 Introduction
A Non-profit Organisation (NPO) is an establishment that uses its funding for the pursuit of a specific purpose such as for a charitable cause (Lorette, 2015). It is different from a for-profit organisation as its objective is to provide greater good to the society rather than to maximise the wealth of its stakeholders. The surplus revenues of an NPO are used for either its expansion, self-preservation or plans and no part of the profit is distributed to its members. NPOs are increasingly starting to operate like traditional business organisations as strategic planning and marketing is imperative for their survival.
NPOs must market themselves in order to generate funding required to meet their organisational objectives. It is imperative for an NPO to brand itself as many companies choose to affiliate themselves with an NPO based on its reputation and perception. This also gives them a competitive advantage.
This essay aims to explore the marketing strategies of The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and American Red Cross. The essay will further compare the two by analysing its marketing efforts and then drawing managerial inferences for the same.

2.0 Organisational Overview
2.1.1 Company Profile
UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly to provide relief for the children victimized by World War II and was originally known as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Headquartered in New York, it is now a

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