
The United Nations Relief And Rehabilitation Administration Essay

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In 1943, the United Nations created a relief organization called the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). This organization was used to fight famine and disease that was occurring in Europe after World War II. The UNRRA focused on bringing relief to European civilians, and it was rendered unwelcome and disbanded after the Europe divided into two zones: the West and East. However in 1946, there was a large demand for a relief organization, and so the United Nations decided to constitute an emergency group focusing on aid for children.
UNICEF was created in 1946 to provide emergency food, clothing and healthcare to children in countries that were destroyed during WWII. It was created to solve the food and medical crisis after the War in the European countries involved and those that were devastated in the War. Eglantyne Jebb, a British reformist, founded the Save the Children International Union, SCIU, which pressured the United Nations to start a group that specifically worked with children suffering from the trauma and aftermath of war. Also, U.S. army filmmakers created a film that shows the amount of destruction war does and how much it affects children. This film raised $200 million for welfare work, and so the UN proposed to use this money to provide relief to children in a new organization called UNICEF. So, the Collective Action problem it intended to solve was that: After WWII, UNICEF was created to provide food, clothing, and medical aid

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