
Martin Luther King Jr Influence

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Throughout the 1950s and 60s, many African Americans had stood up and advocated for racial equality for everyone in the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. was a remarkable activist that was known all around the world during this time. King Jr., an American Minister, led African Americans living throughout the country in protests involving civil rights which showed the world he was an impeccable hero. As an African American, King contributed his time, money, and ideas to the African American community throughout the United States. Also known as MLK Jr., King, having a background in ministry, based many of his ideas on God's word. Although Martin Luther King Jr. appeared an average clergyman from Atlanta, King’s heroic convictions and actions …show more content…

As a group, they had decided the best starting point was to give African Americans a voice. “In February 1958, the SCLC sponsored more than 20 mass meetings in key southern cities to register black voters in the South” (“Martin Luther King Jr.”). Reverend King, along with other leaders, had come together and come up with a way to give the African American community a voice, to give them the right to vote. In order to do so, they had formed mass meetings in important cities all around the South. On October 19, 1960, King engaged in a desegregation protest that took place at Rich's Department store in Atlanta. The Atlanta police, however, arrested King along with thirty-five other participants for trespassing charges due to them refusing to leave a whites-only area. The charges against King later were dropped due to him having to face consequences for driving with an invalid license (Oates 159). As King Jr. had started to be seen in the public more often, everyone around him had started to see his heroic characteristics show more and more as each day …show more content…

was such a prominent figure in the civil right movement and a hero to everyone. Due to King having such a big role in ending racial discrimination, it was decided that there would be a day to honor him and all of his heroic actions. The day was made to honor Martin Luther King Jr. to celebrate all that he had devoted his life to, especially the struggle against racial discrimination in the United States. Undoubtedly, if it wasn't for King and his heroic ambitions, we may have still seen racial discrimination all around the world today. As King courageously once spoke: “I have a dream that one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.” Due to King’s ambitions and heroic actions, his dream was able to come

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