
Marxists Crime and Deviance.

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Examine some of the ways in which Marxists explain crime
Marxist theories of crime, including the more recent neo-Marxist theories, are conflict approaches. They see society based on conflict between social classes, and social inequality caused by capitalism as the driving force behind crime.
One way that Marxists explain crime is through the law. Marxists argue that the law functions to reinforce the ideology of society – the power of the ruling class over the working class. Many laws can be seen to function for the benefit of the bourgeoisie, such as property laws. Chambliss claimed that property laws were very important during capitalism, and said ‘the heart of the capitalist economic system is the protection of private property which …show more content…

Neo-Marxists explain crime as a political choice or an act of rebellion. For example, black power movement, women’s liberation movement and the gay liberation front are all examples of fighting back against capitalism. Many crimes against poverty involve the redistribution of wealth. Deviants are not just passive victims of capitalism; they are actively struggling to alter capitalism. Paul Gilroy claims that crimes are frequently conscious and deliberate political acts, a reaction to racism. In the 1970’s and 1980’s capitalism created the political revolt of Blacks and racist policies of police towards Blacks. Black criminals defended themselves and hit back at a racist society.
However, not all crimes are conscious acts of rebellion or political choice. Petty crimes such as littering often have no motivation behind them.
Stuart Hall, a neo-Marxist, did a study influenced by Gramsci and his concept of hegemony. The study looks at how muggings were reported in the middle 1970’s and the moral panic that this caused. Hall et all argued those who challenged the hegemonic ideology were labelled as criminals by the state. Black working class began to be labelled as deviant individuals, and the black working class were treated as a reserve pool of labour, with low status, low paid insecure work and high unemployment which lead to petty crimes, living up to their labels.
Left realism heavily criticise these theories as

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