
Max Weber And Durkheim 's Views On Religion

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Religion can be defined as a collections of beliefs and cultural systems that relate humanity to an order of existence. One of the foundations of religion is social orientation that in one way or another influence a society 's social stability. Max Weber along with Emile Durkheim were very influential people in the course of social stability in the 19th century. Weber and Durkheim attempted to make comprehensible social changes, particularly in the aspects of religion of a society. Their perspectives on religion differ on some aspects. Their views on religion may be diverse, but they both seem to be in unity that religion to some extent shifts the worldview of people in society. Emile Durkheim is a sociologist, born 1858 in northeastern France. As a young boy he was also, strongly affected by a schoolteacher who was Romance Catholic. The influence by the school teacher may have contributed something to his general interest in religious endeavors but they did not make him a believer (86). Durkheim spent much of his academic career studying religions, especially those of small societies. The toteism, or primitive kinship system of Australian aborigines, primarily interested him (98). This research formed the basis of Durkheim 's 1921 book, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, a well know book on the sociology of religion. Durkheim viewed religion with the context of the entire society and acknowledged societies influences of thinking and behaviors by the members

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