
Measuring Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management Strategies in Achieving Customer Loyal

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Measuring Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management strategies in achieving customer loyalty A Case Based Study of Nandos UK (Kings Cross Branch)

Introduction:Businesses has grown on fast pace in last few decades. This rapid growth in business ha snot only increased the competition but also provided the customers to choose from the products .increased competition and market uncertainty has left organization to think the ways to retain and attract more and more customers. Wining the heats and minds of customers is now the ultimate goals of much organization to earn profitability. (Kicaid, 2003) It is because organizations know a satisfied customer can refer many new customers to them with no cost of marketing. Customer …show more content…

It is anticipated that the possible outcome of the proposed study will create a positive business environment by enhancing customer satisfaction and creating further customer service improvement activities and achieving customer loyalty.

Academic: The area of the proposed research is CRM. It is an information technology industry term for methodologies and software. This term is used as methodology in IT and software technology, all customer relationship is dealt with the help of internet in an organised way by the enterprise. Using the proposed methodology or looking at it critically might be helpful for students doing research in the similar fields in the future.

Literature review:
This chapter consist of theories, ideas and concept of different authors, which will support the consider topic, because CRM is very important for the attraction of customer towards organisation. If CRM of the company is improve, then more customers will come as compare to the other competitors. By this way the relationship between organisation and customers maintain. We can say that CRM is the important factor of customer relationship. “That CRM is the key to strategic competition needed to keep the focus on customer needs and for a face to face with the customers throughout the organization” (Lin and Su, 2003) Different authors define CRM with different way, in which some have

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