
Media And The Internet Has Made Huge Strides On The World Today

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Media and the internet have made huge strides on the world today. From television to internet advertising there are many benefits to Internet & media and I will be examining them. The disadvantages will be addressed as well because media is not only just good. Internet has also made a big influence on society and the way we use it today. People all over the world are using internet to their advantage from being a business tool to being able use it recreationally in the comfort of their home. People have been encouraged to use internet because of the enjoyment or spreading news quicker. Advertising and video games are among the big factors related to media. Public relations is another form of media that I will examine and it benefits. In this research paper I will be observing these aspects of media and the internet to a better understanding of them.

When analyzing local media and seeing the materials that are provided by public relations are astounding. Public relations is a crucial part of gaining information for news and other media efforts. “Researchers have estimated that 25% to 50% of news content in the United States is influenced by public relations, with some estimates running as high as 80%”. (Burleson, 2012) Organizations participating in public relations are more likely to gain better information because you are going straight to the source. Organizations who do not participate in public relations are more likely to make up stories that are not true

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