
Medical Ethics: Principles, And Values?

Decent Essays

Medical Ethics Essay

Ashley Prasad Njallimackal 小佳20130123031

Medical Ethics is a Special kind of ethics which has a set of Moral principles which applies certain values and judgements for Medical practices . It also says that no matter what Race, Gender, Religion a person may be , Should be given Medical care . Medical Ethics has some Principles or Values , that can be followed by the Professionals in cases where there is a bit of confusion, and these Principles are Autonomy, Non-Maleficence, Beneficence and Justice. This was first coined by Thomas Percival. Now let me give a case study to explain in detain these four Principles

A Patient , Melissa, 15 year old, jewish, comes to The Medical Mission Hospital due to having a lot of unusual spots on her right hand, after major tests and a biopsy, the doctor concludes that it is Malignant Meningioma . The Best treatment possible is Amputation , since it was spreading at a very high rate. Melissa strongly disagreed on amputating her right hand since she wouldn’t be able to do anything even if she survives , but her parents gave consent to do it as the doctors explained to them of the consequences if the dint. But while the surgery was progressing they amputated her left hand thinking it was the right hand. Only after the operation finished they found out it was the wrong …show more content…

The Beneficence , Non- Maleficence And the Justice were all not given or rejected to Esteban. First of all, the doctors should have tried to see if his condition was really bad . But they just asked him to wait, causing his heart to have a major Heart attack which led to his death. As Beneficence states that good should be done . But here Beneficence was violated. Then by not treating him , Non- Maleficence was also violated. Since he died , Justice was not served to him. It wasn’t the right and fair thing for the

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