
Micromanaging In Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

Micromanaging and the decline of employee loyalty can lead to a decline in employee retention. These practices can be a blocker for high performance. Some employees are not trusted nor are they encourage to think. Leaders undermine their potential for success by micromanaging, hoarding information, and putting personal interest first. (Annunzio, 2004, pg. 147). In her book, Contagious Success, she gives a contrast from companies’ practices in the past to those of today. She states that destructive behaviors, like undermining, micromanaging, hoarding information have much more of a significant consequence now as it did in the past. Micromanaging is the most efficient way to block high performance. When a leader micromanages, he/she demonstrates that he/she doesn’t respect their subordinates, it stifles original thinking, and discourages members/employees to think and speak …show more content…

Among the reasons cited for this: the recession, during which companies laid off huge swaths of their employees with little regard for loyalty or length of service; a whittling away of benefits, training and promotions for those who remain; and a generation of young millennials (ages 15 to 30) who have a different set of expectations about their careers, including the need to “be their own brand,” wherever it takes them. In a nomadic world, one of the casualties is a decreasing sense of commitment to the organization. (Declining Employee Loyalty, 2012) According to a 2011 report, 76% of full-time workers, while not actively looking for a new job, would leave their current workplace if the right opportunity came along. Other studies show that each year, the average company loses anywhere from 20% to 50% of its employee base. (Declining Employee Loyalty, 2012). Now that I have gone over a few reasons why there is difficulty with employee retention let’s take a look at how to maintain employee

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