
Miss Lottie's Home By Eugenia Collier Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Closing out the short story, Eugenia Collier’s use of imagery in paragraph 24 conveys the image of Miss Lottie’s home as “ ...crumbling decay...“. After the crash of the stock market, Americans felt as if their life was “crumbling” apart. They lost their homes, livelihood, their families, and a majority of everything they ever obtained in life. In addition to describing Miss Lottie's little home, Collier also conveys the image of “...warm and passionate and sun-golden” marigolds. The marigolds represent the sliver of hope that many Americans needed during the Great Depression, the darkest time of their lives: She further describes the flowers as “... too beautiful…” (Collier par.24) Although their life was extremely difficult, and many believe

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