
Mobile Devices Today

Decent Essays

Mobile devices have become a necessity in today’s world, and in today’s world no one can live without it, whether he is a businessman or a school going kid. It has made the world accessible and communication convenience, all at the touch of a button. There were days when the telephones, cell phones were only used to talk to one another and listen to each other now there is a small change one can even look at the person he is talking to while listening him these changes and advancements in technology are increasing day by day. The mobile phone has completely changed the concept of the telephoning, which it used to be before. Now a mobile is not just a way to communicate with each other it is a lot in itself. And now the added thing for the mobile phones are the mobile applications which has made lives much easier than before, there are thousands of different mobile applications developed. Now it has become a profession to develop mobile apps even though we get most of the apps and games free but the developer is paid millions for his development through the companies to advertise their product in the applications. Which makes both companies and developer in profit. Various aspects of people’s lives can be represented by an application on a mobile device. These cell phones have also necessitated communication with anyone you want. It has even become possible to look at your office work and access your business on your mobile and can even look into your own office using

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