
Model Three Stages Of Kurt Lewin's Theory

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The Model three stages – Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze which was explained by Lewin by changing the shape of a block of ice. He explained that if one have large cube of ice but realised after some time that he wants a cone of ice, what to do? First, melt the ice so that is become easier to change – Unfreeze. The second step shape the iced water into the want form – Change and finally freeze to the new form – Refreeze. It is likely to take these phases to entirely complex levels yet I don't trust this is important to have the capacity to work with the theory. Be that as it may, know that the hypothesis has been condemned for being excessively simplified.

The method has changed a lot since the theory was initially introduced in 1947, however the Kurt Lewin model is still to a great degree important. Many new models are actually based on Kurt Lewin model.

The first stage which is the unfreezing one, is the most vital to recognise the change happening around and …show more content…

This indicates that it does not serve to define the objective of planned change in group performance as the reaching of a different level. Permanency of the new level, or permanency for a desired period, should be included in the objective.

Lewin's concern is about emphasising the change and make sure that the desired change is established and continued into the future. By not doing this, might force people to go back while doing what they are used to.

Since, the Lewin’s model has a definite end; I don’t think that this would be adopted for Casela World of Adventures as there are still lots of changes to come and in high speed. This model would rather be used to set up change management for people/organisation where it is quite easy to understand by ensuring that all stages are extended to help for better

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