
Moral Education In School Education

Decent Essays

In contemporary American society, the most important purpose of schooling is improving the lives of students by attempting to improve equality through equality of opportunity and equal treatment. The youth of America face many hardships, and these hardships are often characterized by intersectionality in the increase of difficulty when multiple factors play a role. In many instances educators and the schools are often the first if not only advocate for a student therefore recognizing issues in the student’s lives is of the highest priority. Examples of hardships faced by students are low socioeconomic status and its effect on educational achievement (Spring, 2016), the personal development of the child including the effects by prejudices and racism on the ability of a child to progress, home issues leading to difficulty in an out of the school system (Spring, 2016), and the level of preparation achieved by students for a successful career whether that be vocational or academic. In addition to reducing hardships faced by students, schools are tasked with giving students moral education to create unity and reduce crime. Therefore, schooling should help to address these hardships and meet the demands of the public to ultimately improve students’ lives and promote equality of education.
The socioeconomic status of a child greatly affects their school performance. Therefore, the ever-growing poverty among children of all races in our country is an important contemporary issue to

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