
Music In The 1960's Essay

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Music is made up from rhythm and beats with notes and feelings, vocal and/or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Yet, music is so much more than notes on paper, music represents movements in time, music is memories, history, connections, relaxation and escape. Many people are influenced by music they listen to. “Music is much more than mere entertainment. It has been a feature of every known human society—anthropologists and sociologists have yet to find a single culture throughout the course of human history that has not had music” (Greenberg, 2016). One’s taste may differ but music’s ability to move people on a deeply emotional level is universal. Music from the 1960’s had a number of social influences and changed what popular music was. The assassination of President Kennedy, the escalation of the War in Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement all greatly impacted the mood of American culture and the music began to reflect that change. Music in the ’60s was a way to rebel not only against the music of a previous generation, but against the confining pop strictures of early rock 'n' roll. Sixties rock took on extraordinary musical creativity with bands like the Beatles, the …show more content…

The rise of digital music and electronic distribution was changing face of music forever having music media reinvent itself. More people are listing to music on YouTube than on the radio. An example of this would be, the rapper Pitbull's, I Know You Want Me has 92 million views, yet he has never been #1 on Billboard Hot 100 single. Just goes to show that there is a huge drop-off between old media and new media and independent artists are taking over. “The proliferation of new media and the rapid advancements of technology are change the way in which consumers obtain news, listen to music and even watch television.” (Hendricks,

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