
My Happiest Moment

Good Essays

"Have dinner with your family or walk in the park with friends. If you're so inclined, put in some good hours at the office or at your favorite charity, temple or church. Work on your jump shot or your child's model trains. With luck, you'll find happiness by the by. If not, your time won't be wasted. You may even bring a little joy to the world,”(McMahon Par 12). One of the happiest moments of my life was when I was with my family, sitting around the tv watching a funny movie. We were all having a good time and were very happy. This made me love to spend time with my family, because we shared laughter and enjoyed each other's company. So therefore, I agree with McMahon that being less selfish and spending time with the people you love and doing what you love brings happiness. Someone who is a good example of doing what you love and surrounding yourself with people you love to make you happy, is Sam Berns. was an American teen who had progeria and helped raise awareness about the disease. He aired a showing of “How to live a happy life.” He talked about how he was sick and told he was going to die. Sam told a story about how he wanted to be in band and play the drum but because the illness made him weak and small, he was not able to lift the drum let alone march with it. But this did not stop sam from doing what he loves, in fact he and team of engineers designed a drum so light that sam could march and play in the band. He did not let little setbacks affect him from doing

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