
My Last Duchess Essay

Decent Essays

“My last Duchess” In the story “My last Duchess,” the Duke is speaking to the envoy of another nobleman of his second bride to be. The Duke describes the circumstances of his last duchess in which it was painted and boasted how Fra Pandolf the painter made her “look as if she was alive”. The Duke continues speaking about the unfortunate fate of his former wife. It is evident that a crime has been committed; He was jealous and annoyed of his easily impressed wife so he murdered her. His tone and demeanor is one of extreme arrogance and it is clear he is a dangerous man who poses a threat to any and all women he claims to love. First of all, you can clearly see the motive on why he killed his wife. In his opinion, the last Duchess was too easily pleased because she smiled and blushed at everything and …show more content…

He probably thinks it’s the Duchess own fault for her death because he was very annoyed with her attitude towards everything and couldn’t tell her. “Who’d stoop to blame this sort of trifling?” (Browning30) Even thought he is so bothered by her behavior he thinks he shouldn’t have to lower himself to talk to her about it. There was lack of communication in their marriage and he never expressed his feelings about his wives demeanor to her, due to his poor communication skills. As he stated: “Even had you skill In speech – (which I have not) – to make your will Quite clear to such an one, and say, "Just this Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss, Or there exceed the mark" – and if she let Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse, E’en then would be some stooping; and I choose Never to stoop.” (Browning 40) In this the murderer arrogantly states what he wanted from her and how he had no “Skills in speech” in which to tell the Duchess but he clearly tells the envoy how he feels, so he is clearly lying to the

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