
My Last Duchess Essay

Decent Essays

Response to Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” is an aesthetic monologue about the Duke of Ferrara’s painting of his late wife. The Duke is meeting with his potential new wife’s family to discuss his marrying the Count’s daughter. While giving a tour of his estate the Duke shows the family his painting of his late wife, the Duchess. Usually when an individual obtains a painting of their significant other, it is out of love. However, the Duke has a cynical tone when speaking of his late wife. This led me to believe that the Duke’s views and beliefs were biased overall.
Browning gives the reader hints that the Duke’s remarks are biased first by the first person point of view the story uses. The first person point of view established the Duke as the primary speaker from the beginning as he stated things such as "my last duchess," and "I call / That piece a wonder..." (2-3). The reader is able to infer that the Duke believes his opinion is held higher than that of others. However, the reader is able to see this perspective when the Duke mentions that “Fra Pandolf’s hands” did the painting (3). The Duke goes on to say "I said / 'Fra Pandolf' by design” (5-6). This sheds light on the duke’s motive and shows that he really wants to show them his own story of the matter, …show more content…

This allows the Duke to make it seem as the painting is just merely one of many in his collection, and thus not important. The duke is then shown to be cruel and heartless but also has a crafty aura surrounding him. By telling the story in the first place, he is trying to imply what a great man he is, and also eliminate any doubts the family has about him by saying his wife was the reason it did not work. However, by quickly downplaying the paintings importance it leads the reader to believe that he is actually just a devious

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