
My Leadership Style Analysis

Decent Essays

This week I take on Ohio as I learn to grow as a leader.

Today a lot of the things we talked about really hit home with me, and I actually cried in a room full of strangers as I told them my story and why I chose to be a leader.

But today we talked about resilience. We defined resilience as:

The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.

This definition really spoke to me. I have been facing this day after day ever since April, and today we had a lady talk to us about it for 2 hours, but it felt like it was only seconds. She helped me to realize that I am not alone, that I have other sisters out there that are fighting, if not the same battle, one that is similar to mine. …show more content…

Collaboration. I have a one track mind. I get an image for something in my mind, and then that's how it has to be done. I have never been great at asking for other people's feedback (which bleeds into the next point), and I always have to have things planned out just the way I see them in my head, so I need to stretch myself to collaborate with others, especially if I want to obtain leadership opportunities within my life. But this is also a good thing to keep in mind for friendships and any other kind of relationship that includes more than just yourself. Learning to collaborate is also learning to compromise, which will always be inevitable when more than one person are …show more content…

I definitely relate to these characteristics way more... Most of the time they all occur at once.

To fold up into yourself is basically when you look at people and just say "I can't with you right now." You hide away, turn off your phone, turn off all communication with the outside world, and basically just become one with your bed... and maybe a bag of taco bell. With my depression, I am guilty of this a lot. People try to talk to me and then I get in trouble because I get irritated that they won't just leave me alone with myself for a bit... That's often when I storm off. You just hit that point where you've had enough and you just need to run away from all your responsibilities. This was comforting to hear from someone else, because I was starting to worry that maybe part of my three year old self had held onto parts of my brain. Next is to blame others. You don't want to accept that you have done wrong or that you have messed up, so you start putting the blame on other people. Next, you require total control. In a leadership role, sometimes you feel like you have lost control of a situation, so you try to regain control by taking all of it. You shut people out, and you tell them that you don't need their help. As a bit of a control freak, like I said, I am very guilty of this. As I come into contact with more and more leaders on campus, I have learned to step back and just observe situations and let other people handle them. I have

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