
My Low Paying Job

Decent Essays

Low-paying job is where one do not need any special certification or license to work. Also, low-paying jobs are usually the ones that people do in the beginning of their careers; in the same way, I also had a low-paying job. I worked at a food place, Waba Grill, as my first job. Moreover, I used to perform several activities including cleaning the restaurant, washing the dishes, taking the orders, serving the customers, cutting the meat, preparing the orders etc., even though, my job title was a cashier. At first, when I was hired, I was required to have various transferable skills. First of all, I was required to have some kind of experience in customer service, in other words, I needed to be able to greet people with a smile whenever they walk in and be able to take their orders politely. In addition, I was expected to know everything on the menu from the main to the sides, so that, I would not prepare wrong orders, also, I was required to have knowledge to run a computer based cash register, as it was used to take customer orders. However, working at my family store, I did had some experience with the cash register, but, I did not had any experience with the computerized cash register. Eventually, I …show more content…

In fact, being hired as a cashier, I was performing all the other activities including cooking and washing dishes. Even though, that food place was really busy, only two people were assigned to work per shift. Imagine, one person grilling the meats only because he consider himself as a cook and the other one who is a cashier doing everything else including cleaning the dirty tables, filling up the straws for fountain drinks, taking orders, serving customers, cutting the salads and vegetables, also helping the cook to grill the meat. This experience is

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