
My Personal Goals

Decent Essays

Persistence is the cornerstone to my character and it fuels my passion towards reaching my goals. Each time I am presented with a new challenge in life it is my persistence that assures my success. Everything I have achieved is due to my willingness to press forward. I have always set ambitious goals for myself because I enjoy the process required to attain them. I have found that hidden in the arduous process of attaining challenging goals is the key to developing self-discipline. I am convinced that I would not have achieved everything I have now without cultivating my will-power. Currently, one of my short-term goals include earing exceptional grades for the Fall 2017 semester. I am one semester away from beginning my upper division …show more content…

As well, this curiosity fuels my other long-term goal to obtain my graduate degree. I believed that learning is a lifelong commitment and that it is essential to cultivate an appreciation for the laws that govern our universe. In addition, to my scholastic goals I have set some personal long-term goals for myself as well. I plan to learn a new language and learn to play an instrument, it my research I have found that bilingual people and those who play instrument not only live longer but also have an increased opportunity to benefit their communities.
The most significant obstacle to my academic success has been to free myself from societal illusions. The environment in which a person is born molds their perceptions of society, and this is not easily changed. I am an African American male and I was born in Philadelphia and raised by a single father in Bartram Village, a low-income housing project, which is notorious for being a haven for drug and gang activity. I was fortunate to have a father who taught me that what I received from life would be based upon the choices I made. That piece of advice has guided me and given me vision for what I wanted out of life. It was this clarity of vision that led to my decision to serve in the United States Marine Corps. Despite, it being a time of war I knew that I could expand my horizons by exposing myself to a new culture. I finished at the top of my military Cyber

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