
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever been around someone who seems arrogant? It may not be just arrogance, that individual may have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD. Narcissus, a Greek mythological character, fell in love with his reflection in the water and could never pull himself away, so he ended up dying right beside the water after a while (Marcovitz 1). Narcissism became known as being self-centered and was developed after this Greek myth (Marcovitz 1). This disorder affects less than 1% of the American population and it occurs more in men than women (Thomas 1). Later on in life most people with NPD will experience severe symptoms around the ages of forty or fifty years old (Psych 1). Many people who have this disorder either refuse to get help …show more content…

Narcissists ruin the bonds that kept the relationships together creating negative impacts on their social, family, and work life (Cherry 1). Narcissists create unrealistic goals and images of themselves, clouding their thought process and reasoning (Nakate 1). The behavioral issues can generate conflict with the people who are really close to them. This personality disorder can be caused by how the child was raised and their own personal feelings. A person with a low self-esteem is the most common reason why narcissism begins (Thomas 1). If they feel uncomfortable or inferior in a situation a narcissist will immediately beef up their image and self-worth to make them feel superior again (Thomas 1). Narcissists become very defensive when people question their accomplishments or talents because they have to try and keep their ego and image safe (Thomas 1). Another aspect that contributes to narcissism is the way the parents raised the child. Permissive parenting encourages the child to rely completely on themselves, so they have to be independent (Thomas 1). With this type of parenting there usually are not any guidelines or rules for the kid to follow so they would eventually develop the

Goodwin 3 understanding the rules do not apply to them, letting them do as they please (Thomas 2). Permissive parents do not typically

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